پنجشنبه: 1403/02/6

Wudhu Jabirah   Medicine and things like this that have been applied to an injury or things that are wrapped around an injury are referred to as a Jabirah. If someone has an injury or a wound on one of the parts of Wudhu, but is still able to perform Wudhu in the regular manner, then he must perform it as such. For example, if the injury (wound) is open, and pouring water on it...
Rules Regarding conditions of Wudhu   The Wudhu that is performed with Najis and mixed water is void – whether one knows that the water is Najis or mixed, or one does not know, of it the person had forgotten. The water for Wudhu must be Mubah; therefore in the following instances, the Wudhu is void: • Performing Wudhu with water whose owner is not happy with his water being used...
The Rules of Water Water has many different divisions, and knowing them will help us better understand the rules related to them. Water is either Mixed or Pure. Mixed Water: That water that has been taken from something, for example apple juice, or watermelon water, or water that has been mixed with something in such a way that it can no longer be called water, like juice. Pure...
The Rules of Blood   The blood of people and all animals, whose blood gushes out, like the chicken and goat, is Najis. The blood of animals, whose blood does not gush out, like the fish and mosquito, is Tahir. According to Ihtiyat Wajib, one must avoid eggs that have even a small drop of blood in them. However, if the blood is in the yolk of the egg, and the covering around the...
The Rules of the Corpse   An animal that has not been slaughtered according to the rules of Islam is called a corpse. Animals are divided into two categories: some have blood that gushes out; meaning that if their neck is cut, the blood comes out with force. Other animals have blood that does not gush out; meaning that if their neck is cut, the blood does not come out with force...
What are the signs of someone being Baligh? There are three signs of reaching Bulugh (Maturity): The discharge of semen[1]. The growth of coarse hair in the pubic[2] region. The completion of fifteen (15) years for boys, according to the lunar calendar, and the completion of nine (9) years for girls, according to the lunar calendar. It is not necessary to see all three of the...
How to wash something Najis in Water?   Since water is one of the Mutahhirat, i.e. those things which makes Najis things, Tahir, therefore, in order to make something Tahir that has become Najis, the Najasat must first be removed, and then it must be washed in water in the way which will be explained in the following rules. A Najis utensils: It is sufficient that once the Najasat...
How does something become Najis? If something Tahir comes into contact with something Najis, and one of these two things is wetter than the other and the wetness of one reaches the other, then that Tahir thing becomes Najis. However, if a person does not know if something Tahir has become Najis or not, then it should be considered as being Tahir, and research and investigation is not...
In the Holy presence of Grand Ayatollah Saafi Golpayegani (May his blessings be everlasting) With respect and salutation; What is the rule of the Holy Shari’ah regarding the broadcasting of Azaan, supplications, Qur’anic verses etc. from the loud speakers of the mosques, while it may cause disturbance for the neighbors? Thanking you, A group of believers.    ...
Q.1: Is there Khums on the book which has not been used for one year? A: If the book is necessary for the person the Khums is not obligatory even if the book has not been used for 1 year. Q.2: Is there Khums and zakat on the lady who receives some gold as a gift and is using it? A: There is no zakat on gold ornaments (jewelry) and if it’s quantity is according to normal standards then Khums is...
In The Name of Allah The Most Merciful And The Most Compassionate   In the honorable presence of Grand Ayatollah Saafi Gulpayegani Salam Alaikum With all due respect, what is the ruling of giving or taking money for the purpose of compiling dissertation or doctoral theses for receiving a Master degree or Ph.D.?             In...
