پنجشنبه: 1403/03/10
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The Etiquettes of Drinking Water

The Etiquettes of Drinking Water

The following actions, which are related to drinking water, are Mustahab:

  1. Drinking water while standing, in the daytime.
  2. Before drinking water, saying “Bismillah” and saying “Alhamdolillah” when one is finished drinking the water.
  3. Drinking water in three sips.
  4. After drinking water, remembering Hazrat Imam al-Husain ibn Ali (peace be upon Him), his family, and companions, and cursing their killers.

The following actions, related to drinking water, are Makruh:

  1. Drinking too much.
  2. Drinking water after eating fatty foods.
  3. Drinking with the left hand.
  4. Drinking while standing, in the evening.
Friday / 31 May / 2024