يكشنبه: 1403/02/16



149. Mutahhirat or the things which make Najis objects Pak, are eleven:

Sunday / 5 May / 2024

Rules regarding essential Najasats


136. To make the script and pages of holy Qur'an Najis, is undoubtedly Haraam, and if it becomes Najis, it should be made Pak immediately with water.

137. If the cover of the holy Qur'an becomes Najis, causing its desecration, the cover should be made Pak by washing it with water.



How a Pak thing becomes Najis


126. If a Pak thing touches a Najis thing and if either or both of them are so wet that the wetness of one reaches the other, the Pak thing will become Najis. Similarly, if the wetness is so less that it does not reaches each other, then the Pak thing will not become Najis.  

127. If a Pak thing touches a Najis thing and one doubts whether either or both of them were wet or not, the Pak thing does not become Najis.


Ways of proving Najasat


122. There are three ways of proving the Najasat of anything:


11. عرق حیوان نجاستخوار

مسأله117. بنابر احتیاط واجب باید از عرق شتر نجاستخوار و هر حیوانی كه به خوردن نجاست انسان عادت كرده اجتناب كرد.


Beer (Fuqa')


116. Beer, which is prepared from barley, and is called 'Ab-i-Jaw', is Najis. But barley water which is medically prepared, and is called 'Maa' ush- Shaeer', is Pak.


Alcoholic liquor


112. All Alcoholic liquors and beverages which are originally liquid and intoxicate a person are Najis, and if narcotics, like, opium and hemp, which are not liquid originally, are Pak, even when a liquid is added to them.


113. All kinds of industrial alcohol used for painting doors, tables, chairs etc., if a person do not know whether it is intoxicant or not, or do not know whether it is initially made from an intoxicant liquid, are Pak.

Sunday / 5 May / 2024

Kafir (An Infidel)


Sunday / 5 May / 2024

Dogs and pigs


106. The dogs and pigs which live on land are Najis, and even their hair, bones, paws and nails, and every liquid substance of their body, is Najis. However, Aquatic dogs and pigs are Pak.




97. The blood of a human being, and of every animal whose blood gushes forth when its large vein is cut, is Najis. The blood of an animal like fish, or an insect like mosquito, is Pak because it does not gush forth.

Sunday / 5 May / 2024


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