يكشنبه: 1403/02/16



514. The blood which a mother sees after the appearance of the first limb of the child is Nifas, provided that it stops before or on completion of the tenth day. While in the condition of Nifas, a woman is called Nafsa.

515. The blood which a mother sees before the appearance of the first limb of the child is not Nifas.

Sunday / 5 May / 2024

Miscellaneous rules related to Hayz



Nasiya (The One Who Forgets)


505. Nasiya is a woman who has forgotten her habit of time and duration. If she sees blood for more than 10 days and during the days in which blood bears the sign of Hayz, should be considered as Hayz, and if she is unable to decide on the basis of signs, then till sixth or seventh day from the commencement of blood discharge, it will be classified as Hayz and the rest will be Istihadha, and as per recommended precaution, one should choose six days as her Hayz.


Mubtade’a (The Beginner)


502. Mubtade’a is a woman who sees blood for the first time. If she sees it for more than ten days and all the blood has common signs, then she should refer to the prevailing habit among her relatives and consider her corresponding duration as Hayz and the rest as Istihadha.


Mudhtaribah (The Disordered One)



Women having the habit of fixed duration


498. Women having the habit of duration are of three types:


Women having the habit of time only


493. Women having the habit of time are of three types:


Women having the habit of time and duration


485. Women having the habit of time and duration are of three types:



Types of women in Hayz


484. There are six types of Haa’ez women:


Rules for the Haa’ez


456. Acts which are Haraam for a woman who is in the state of Hayz:



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