يكشنبه: 1403/02/16

Dead body


89. The dead body of any animal whose blood gushes forth with force is Najis, irrespective of whether it dies a natural death, or is killed in a manner other than that prescribed by Islam. As the blood of a fish does not gush forth, its dead body is Pak, even if it dies in water.

90. Those parts of a dead body which do not have life like wool, hair, teeth, nails, bones and horns are Pak.

Sunday / 5 May / 2024


88. The semen of every animal, whose blood gushes when its large vein (jugular) is cut, is Najis.

Sunday / 5 May / 2024

Urine and Faeces

85. Urine and faeces of the following living beings are Najis:


  • Human beings


Animals, whose meat is Haraam to eat, and whose blood gushes out forcefully when its large vein (jugular) is slit.


Essentially Najis things


84. The following eleven things are essentially Najis:

  1. Urine
  2. Faeces
  3. Semen
  4. Dead body
  5. Blood
  6. Dog
  7. Pig
  8. Kafir (Infidel)
  9. Alcoholic liquors
  10. Beer (Fuqah)

As per obligatory precaution sweat of an animal who persistently eats Najasat.


Mustahab[1] and Makrooh[2] acts

79. It is Mustahab that a person sitting for relieving himself, sits at a place where no one would see him, and enters the toilet with his left foot forward, and comes out with his right foot. It is also Mustahab to cover one's head, and to place one's weight on the left foot.



Sunday / 5 May / 2024

Rules concerning use of lavatory

Urination and Excretion

57. It is obligatory to conceal one's private parts in the toilet and at all times from adult persons (Mukallaf) even if they are one's nearest relatives like mother and sister, similarly, it is obligatory to conceal one's private parts from insane persons, and from children who can discern between good and evil. However, husband and wife are exempted from this obligation.


Rules Regarding Waters

47. Mixed water, whose meaning has been explained, does not make any Najis thing Pak, and Ghusl or Wudhu by it is void.


5. Well Water


45. The water of a well which springs forth from the earth, although its quantity may be less than a Kurr, does not become Najis owing to something Najis falling in it, unless its colour, smell, or taste changes. However, it is recommended that, in the event of certain Najasat falling in it, a quantity of water should be drawn from the well. Details about this quantity are given in the relevant books.


4. Rain Water




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