شنبه: 6/مرد/1403 (السبت: 20/محرم/1446)

Kaffarah for the Fast


1669. A person on whom it is obligatory to give Kaffarah for the fast of Ramadhan:

He should free a slave; or according to the rulings which will be mentioned later fast for two months; or feed sixty poor to their fill or give one Mudd of food, like wheat or barley or likes of them, to each of them. Moreover, if it is not possible for him to fulfil any of these, he should give Sadqa according to his means and seek divine forgiveness and if he is incapable of giving the Sadqa he should suffice to divine forgiveness even though if he says (استغفر الله) once only. In addition, as per obligatory precaution, he should give Kaffarah as and when he is capable to do so.

1670. A person who intends fasting for two months as a Kaffarah for a fast of

Ramadhan, should fast continuously for thirty – one days, there is no objection if the continuity is not maintained for the rest of the fast.

1671. A person who intends fasting for two months as a Kaffarah for a fast of

Ramadhan, should not commence fasting at such time when he knows that within those thirty-one days, days like Eid – ul – Azha will fall, when it would be Haraam to fast.

1672. If a person, who must fast continuously, fails to fast on any day in the period without any valid excuse. On the other hand, if he started commencing fast from such a day that during those thirty-one days, he has an obligatory fast, for example,


he reaches a day on which he has vowed to fast, he should commence fasting from the beginning.


1673. If a person who must fast continuously, is unable to maintain the continuity due to an excuse beyond control, like, Haidh or Nifas or a journey, which one is obliged to undertake, it will not be obligatory on him/her after the excuse is removed, to commence fasting again from the beginning. He/she should proceed to observe the remaining fasts.


1674. If a person breaks his fast with something which is Haraam, whether it is Haraam in itself, like, wine or adultery or it has become Haraam due to some reason like, eating a food which is permissible but it is injurious to his health, or if he has sexual intercourse with his wife during the period her Haidth. It is obligatory for him to give all the three Kaffarah that is, he should set free a slave, fast for two months and feed sixty poor to their fill, or give one Mudd that is equal to ten Seer of wheat or barley or bread and the likes of them to each of them. If it is not possible for him to give all the three Kaffarah, he should give those Kaffarah, which is possible for him to give.

1675. If a fasting person imputes lies to Allah or the Holy Prophet (peace be upon Him), as per precaution he should give all the three Kaffarah as mentioned in the previous rule.


1676. If a fasting person engages in sexual intercourse several times a day during Ramadhan, as per precaution he should give one Kaffarah for each time. However, if the sexual intercourse was committed in a Haraam manner, he should give all three Kaffarah for each time.


1677. If a fasting person repeats an act, which invalidates fast of Ramadhan other than sexual intercourse, one Kaffarah will be sufficient for all.


1678. If a fasting person commits an act, which invalidates a fast other than sexual intercourse, and then has sexual intercourse with his wife, as per precaution he should give one Kaffarah for each of his act.


1679. If a fasting person commits a Halal act, which invalidates a fast, like, if he drinks water and thereafter commits another act, which is Haraam and invalidates a fast other than sexual intercourse, like, if he eats Haraam food, one Kaffarah will suffice.


1680. If a fasting person burps and something comes out to his mouth and then swallows it, his fast will become void. He should perform its Qadha and give its Kaffarah as well. In addition, if the thing, which came out to his mouth, is Haraam to consume, like, blood or some food, which no more looks like a food, and he intentionally swallows it, he should perform the Qadha of that fast, and it is obligatory for him to give all the three Kaffarah.

1681. If a person takes a vow that he would fast on a particular day, and if he invalidates his fast intentionally on that day. There are two views about its Kaffarah; firstly, he should free a slave or should fast for two months continuously or should provide food for sixty poor people and in this view, in case he can perform, precaution is to free a slave and feed sixty poor people. Secondly, he has a choice between freeing a slave and feeding ten poor people or providing clothes to them, and if he is not capable of any of these, he should observe fast for three days continuously.

1682. If a fasting person, who knows how to find out the time, breaks his fast when someone informs him that it is Maghrib, and he later learns that it was not Maghrib, it is obligatory for him to perform its Qadha and give its Kaffarah.

1683. If a person who has intentionally invalidated his fast travels after Zuhr or before Zuhr to escape from giving the Kaffarah, he will not be exempted from the Kaffarah. In fact, if he has to proceed on a journey before Zuhr, as per precaution he should give its Kaffarah.

1684. If a person invalidates the fast intentionally and then an excuse like Haidth, Nifas or a sickness arises; as per precaution he/she should give its Kaffarah.

1685. If a person was certain that it was the first day of Ramadhan and invalidates his fast intentionally, and it later became evident on him that it was the last day of Sha'ban, as per precaution it would not be obligatory for him to give its Kaffarah.

1686. If a person doubts whether it is the last day of Ramadhan or the first day of Shawwal and invalidates his fast intentionally, and it later became evident on him that it is the first day of Shawwal, it will not be obligatory for him to give its Kaffarah.

1687. If a man who is fasting in the month of Ramadhan has sexual intercourse with his wife who is also fasting as well and if he has compelled her for that, he should give Kaffarah for his own fast and for his wife’s as well. In addition, if she had


wilfully consented to the sexual intercourse, Kaffarah becomes obligatory for each of them.

1688. If a woman compels her fasting husband to have sexual intercourse with her or to perform such a thing that invalidates a fast, it is not obligatory on her to give Kaffarah for her husband's fast.

1689. If a man, who is fasting in Ramadhan compels his wife to have sexual intercourse, and if the woman expresses her agreement during the intercourse, then the man should, as per obligatory precaution, give two Kaffarah and the woman should give one Kaffarah.

1690. If a man who is observing fast in the month of Ramadhan have sexual intercourse with his wife who is fasting and is asleep, one Kaffarah becomes obligatory on him. However, the wife's fast is in order and she will not give any Kaffarah.

1691. If a man compels his wife to commit an act, which invalidates a fast other than sexual intercourse, neither it is obligatory upon him to give the Kaffarah of his wife nor it is obligatory upon the wife to give Kaffarah.

1692. A man who does not observe fast due to travelling or illness cannot compel his wife, who is fasting, to have sexual intercourse. However, if he compels her, Kaffarah will not be obligatory on him.

1693. One should not be negligent about giving Kaffarah. However, it is not necessary to give it immediately.

1694. If Kaffarah has become obligatory on a person and if he fails to fulfil it for some years, there will be no increment in the Kaffarah.

1695. If a person, who is required to feed sixty poor due to Kaffarah for one fast, if he have access to all sixty of them then he cannot give to any one of them more than one Mudd of food which is equal to ten Seer, or feed a poor man more than once. However, he can give to a poor person one Mudd of food for each member of his family, even if they may be minors.


1696. If a person, who is observing Qadha of a fast of Ramadhan intentionally invalidates his fast after Zuhr, he should give food to ten poor persons, one Mudd to each, and if he cannot do this, he should observe fast for three days.

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